
March 6, 2021 Blogging Creativity

In March last year, I decided to keep a journal of my thoughts during what seemed like short health emergency—and in doing so, I realized how much I had been missing the journal as a creative outlet. Back in 2018 I had switched my website to a new platform, killing the blog in favor of a more polished article showcase, but that only resulted in the stakes becoming too high. I effectively stopped publishing anything.

To bring back a blog in 2020 seems… anachronistic for sure, but I’m finding that it works: Creativity, to me, always feels like an enterprise, and this thing helps me trick myself into thinking that it’s easier than it is.

So here we are, almost a year from the inception of that humble journal, and there are a few lessons I’ve come to notice:

Next: Day 379: This Suspended Life

Previous: The Work of Art in the Age of Feigned Rarity

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